Class Registration v3.0 - Winona Area Public Schools
Create Social Media Content without Panicking
#: AE1025   ID:    Section: 1  
Please Note that each class recording will be sent to all registered students so that they do not have to attend at the exact designated time. Follow-up support is also included from the instructor and students are encouraged to reach out with questions at any time before or after the class has concluded.
Are you nervous to begin filming and posting your own social media content? Do you have a business, product or service, but panic at the thought of putting yourself on social? Well in this beginner class, you'll learn helpful tips and strategies to create social media content with ease. You'll never have to worry about freezing up in front of a camera, all thanks to the helpful skills you'll be taking with you once your class is complete. We'll walk you through a step-by-step process so that you can get started today!
Students will leave the class with confidence on how to effectively create social media content for their specific audience, tips for filming a video and more! They will understand key terms, and leave with action items to create successful social media posts without panicking. 
Varied Schedule
12:00 PM
Class Size:
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Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
6/11/2024   12:00PM - 1:00PM Online/Zoom