Class Registration v3.0 - Winona Area Public Schools
Clay: Sitting Cat Sculpture (ended)
#: AE1003   ID:    Section: 1  
Slab and coil-build a realistically-posed, sitting cat sculpture, create fur with texture, or colored underglazes. and have fun with the facial expression. You can leave the top of the back open to create a vase, or complete it as a hollow, enclosed sculpture. Decorate some of the surface with colored underglazes. Clay, use of tools, underglazes, bisque firing, glaze, and glaze firing all included. Workshops include detailed demos, and participants practice clay-working skills, express their individual aesthetic, and have fun! This single-session workshop is suitable for both beginners and experienced clay artists, and may be repeated. For ages 14 to adult.
There is a $15 Materials fee paid directly to the instructor at the time of class. Fired project pick-up date: Apr 29 (Mon), 3-5:30pm.
Age Req:
Ages: 14 to adult
Varied Schedule
1:00 PM
Class Size:
Seats Left:
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
4/13/2024   1:00PM - 4:00PM Island City Clayspace - 275 E. Third Street